+27 60 740 0914 / +27 (11) 796-6659 info.drkilani@gmail.com

Medical Conditions & Procedures

Medical conditions and procedures can be complex and often hard to understand. Below is a list of conditions Dr Kilani treats and procedures she performs.


This resource, by nature, is not exhaustive and offers basic information on health conditions and procedures. It is recommended that you book a consultation with Dr Kilani as this is the best way to gain insight into your health condition and the appropriate treatment.

Dr. Lydia Kilani is a specialist surgeon based in the east of Johannesburg. Her efficiency, compassion and dedication to delivering quality patient care are combined to give patients the very best experience during the most difficult times of illnesses.

Breast Conditions and Procedures

Breast Cancer & Common Breast Lumps

Breast cancer occurs when breast cells to grow abnormally and continue to divide a rate faster than healthy cells. The rapid growth and increase of malignant cells cause the formation of a lump or mass within the breast.

Lumps can form due to infections and injuries and can also be benign.


A mastectomy is a procedure performed to remove a breast, and if necessary, tissue from surrounding areas, due breast cancer diagnosis.

Oncological Reconstructive Procedures

Oncological reconstructive breast procedures involve the use of specialized surgical techniques for removing malignant lumps from the breast, while preserving the rest of the uninvolved breast tissue.

Endocrine System Procedures


An adrenalectomy is a procedure performed to remove one or both of the adrenal glands due to the formation of a tumour on one or both adrenal glands.

Tumours typically cause adrenal glands to produce excessive amounts of hormones resulting in a hormonal imbalance.


Parathyroidectomy is a procedure performed to remove abnormal parathyroid glands or parathyroid tumors due the release of inappropriate amount of parathyroid hormone.

Parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid gland in the neck. They regulate the calcium level in the blood.

A Thyroidectomy

A Thyroidectomy is a procedure performed to remove all or part of your thyroid gland.

The thyroid is a relatively small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the anterior of the neck. It produces several hormones, including thyroid hormone which regulates the metabolism.

Digestive System Conditions and Procedures

Bowel Resection

A bowel resection a surgical procedure performed to remove any part of the bowel, such as the small intestine, large intestine, or rectum.

This procedure is used to treat diseases and blockages of the intestines.


A cholecystectomy is a procedure performed to remove the gallbladder.


A colonoscopy is a procedure surgeons perform to examine the large intestine.


A gastrectomy is a procedure performed to remove of part of or the entire stomach to treat various condition.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is procedure performed to examine the inside lining of the digestive tract.

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer disease is a break in the inner lining of the stomach, lower esophagus, or first part of the small intestine and can be due to various causes.

Proctology incl. Procedures for Haemorrhoids

Proctology is the treatment of peri-anal (situated in or affecting the area around the anus) and anal conditions. Conditions can be isolated or a manifestation of other gastrointestinal conditions.

Soft Tissue Conditions and Procedures


A lipoma is a lump that forms in the soft tissue of your body. Lipomas classified as tumours and generally harmless, but can be cause for concern if they create pain. They commonly appear in the upper body, arms or thighs.


Dr. Lydia Kilani is a specialist surgeon based in the North and West of Johannesburg. Her efficiency, compassion and dedication to delivering quality patient care are combined to give patients the very best experience during the most difficult times of illnesses.

Dr. Lydia Kilani

MB Chb (UCT), FCS (SA)

Practice No. 0769649


Book Your Consultation

Life Wilgeheuwel Hospital

Tel: ‎+27 11 796 6659 | Email: info.drkilani@gmail.com
Corner of Paul Kruger road and Amplifier Road, Radiokop Ext 13, Roodepoort, 1724

Conditions & Procedures

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